Palet & Packaging

Wooden Pallete and Packaging Services

To maintain security when delivery of materials, besides the need for insurance will need wood packaging is also very important.

Arthaperkasa Logistics provides the service of making pallets and wooden crate packaging size and materials in accordance with the needs of your material.

Jasa Pembuatan Pallet Kayu dan Jasa Pengepakkan Profesional

Pallets and wooden packing projects ever we handle include: PT Nestle Lampung (pallets for export), PT INTI (battery box and pallet manufacturing rectifiers), PT NSN (for the manufacture of crates BTS), and others.

For detailed information on sizes and prices, please contact us Ph. 0721-785463 or email to

Jasa Pembuatan Pallet Kayu dan Jasa Pengepakkan Profesional

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